B WHO Informal Consultation on Dual-Use Research of Concern – DURC in Geneva

26-28 February 2013

The World Health Organisation convened an informal consultation on the broader issues regarding Dual-Use Research of Concern (DURC). The objective of this meeting was to share perspectives on key issues and concerns related to DURC, identify existing approaches and safeguards for managing DURC, and consider critical gaps and actions to initiate. Stakeholders from public health, science, research policy, security, ethics, communications and international agencies were invited to participate. Professor Andrzej Górski, Vice-President of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Coordinator of the Programme on Biosecurity, took part in the consultation. He also served as the rapporteur for a working group on education and outreach that was part of the consultation. Other IAP participants included representatives from the academies of Nigeria, India, Indonesia, the Netherlands, and the United States.