B News & Events

16-20 July 2012

IAP was invited to attend the Meeting of Experts as a guest of the chairman of the meeting, Ambassador Delmi of Algeria. At the meeting Professor Andrzej Górski, Vice-President of the Polish Academy of Sciences and chair of the Biosecurity Working Group, presented a statement on behalf of the Working Group during the time set aside for non-governmental organizations to make presentations to the plenary. In cooperation with the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the Working Group organized a lunchtime side event on the particular S&T theme for 2012: “advances in enabling technologies, including high-throughput systems for sequencing, synthesizing and analyzing DNA; bioinformatics and computational tools; and systems biology.”

6 December 2011

Informational and promotional event connected with the publication of the Life Sciences and Relevant Fields: Trends Relevant to the Biological Weapon Convention report;
Informal NGO representatives meeting, where Professor Andrzej Górski (Polish Academy of Sciences, Chair of the Group) gave a short contribution on behalf of IAP.

17 October 2011

The presentation of the report was organized as part of the Responding to the Challenges Posed by Scientific Advances for the Prohibition of Biological Weapons meeting which constituted a side event to the UN First Committee Disarmament and International Security General Assembly session.

7–8 November 2011

The meeting provided an opportunity to review recent activities under the Programme on Biosecurity, to familiarize new members with them, and to discuss future plans and developments. During the meeting also further intensification of cooperation with the BWC Implementation Support Unit in Geneva was discussed, as well as the contribution of the Group to the then-upcoming 7th BWC Review Conference held in Geneva in December 2011.

April 2011


Discussion of the Trends in science and technology relevant to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention and dissemination of the Trends Workshop Summary.
International Workshop on Developing Practical Proposals for the Seventh Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention. The Workshop was held on 8–10 April in Montreaux and co-hosted by Norway, Indonesia and the BWC Implementation Support Unit.